5 Extraordinary Benefits of Consuming Black Gram


Black gram or Kala chana is one of the popular staples in the Indian subcontinent. Being a powerhouse of several vital nutrients, black gram finds a place in diet plans intended to achieve different fitness goals. 

The write-up enlists many health benefits of black gram. Let us have a look at them.

Promotes bone health

Black gram is a great source of potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, and phosphorous which promote bone health by maintaining bone mineral density. With age, bones get weak making the body highly prone to conditions like osteoporosis and arthritis. To keep these conditions at bay and maintain healthy bone health, you can include black gram in your diet.

Improves digestion

Being an excellent source of dietary fibers, black gram helps you get rid of gastrointestinal issues like constipation, diarrhea, cramping, and bloating. Besides, these fibers optimize the nutrient absorption in your body to help it make the most out of your meals.

Boosts Energy

The rich iron content of black gram helps produce red blood cells and improves the blood flow to the organs. As a result, it boosts energy and increases vitality. Roasted black gram with jaggery is one of the oldest remedies used by people to prevent the condition like anemia in the body.

Offers a good skincare

This is one of the lesser-known benefits of black gram. Several Ayurvedic remedies for skincare recommend using the paste of black gram powder. Presence of minerals and vitamins in good amounts, black gram is perfect for relieving inflammation, promoting rapid healing and exfoliation, and increasing the blood flow to the surface of the skin. Black gram also relieves the pain of sunburns, decreases the intensity of a tan, and reduces acne.

Protects heart health

Of several black gram health benefits, this one is quite prominent. The presence of the combination of dietary fibers and minerals like potassium and magnesium are highly effective in keeping your heart in good shape. Not only does it balance cholesterol levels, but also lowers blood pressure.

So, these are some of the many benefits of black gram. Now that you learned about them, include them to reap these benefits. However, in case of any confusion, it is highly recommended to consult your doctor for better guidance and clarity.


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