Great Benefits of having Turmeric Milk

In the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, the stress is being given to strengthen and build the immune system. For the same, the ministry of Ayush in India has issued an advisory for self-care during this crisis. The advisory mentions a section that focuses on immunity-boosting measures. You may get surprised to know that there is a mention of 'golden milk' with the advice to have it once or twice a day.

The blog mentions some great benefits of golden milk which is also known as haldi milk or turmeric milk. Let us take a glance at them.

Loaded with powerful antioxidants

The main ingredient of golden milk is turmeric in which there is a powerful compound called curcumin that has strong antioxidant and immune-boosting properties. This compound protects your body from cellular damage caused by free radicals and prevents premature ageing. Moreover, it helps the body fight off infections and diseases, improving your overall health.

Improves mood

The restrictions imposed in the form of lockdown due to COVID-19 outbreak challenged us to keep calm and not to lose sanity. During the lockdown phase, there were many who managed to cope with the situation while there were people who started falling prey to anxiety and depression.

The government has mentioned turmeric milk in the advisory and you may find it interesting to know that the active compound curcumin is highly effective in uplifting mood and reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Protects from heart ailments

Daily consumption of golden milk is linked with reducing the risk of heart-related ailments. The compound curcumin plays a key role in improving the function of blood vessel linings which is crucial for a healthy heart. Besides, the golden milk helps reduce bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol levels.

So, these are some of the many health benefits of consuming golden milk. The goodness of turmeric powder and nutrition of milk are a great combination that keeps you healthy, immune, and fit.


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