Some Incredible Health Benefits of Kasuri Methi


Dried fenugreek leaves or Kasuri methi is one of the important herbs in Indian kitchens. Kasuri methi is a slightly bitter yet flavourful herb that adds a distinct taste and aroma to any dish it is used in.

Besides being used in a variety of cuisines, Kasuri methi holds great medicinal properties that not many people are aware of.

The write-up mentions some of the best benefits of Kasuri methi. Read on!

Benefits lactating mothers

In India, Kasuri methi has been an effective remedy for improving the milk flow of lactating mothers. Being a natural galactagogue, it is highly effective in increasing breast milk production in lactating mothers.

Keeps skin healthy

Are you afflicted with skin-related issues like eczema and skin blemishes? Don't worry, Kasuri methi can help! Being a great source of potent antioxidants, Kasuri methi helps in keeping your skin healthy and free from skin conditions like eczema. Besides, Kasuri methi is also helpful in preventing other skin-related issues like pimples, sunburn, and acne. Not many people are aware but Kasuri methi can even be used for removing dead cells from the skin. However, before you use it, make sure you check your skin type and sensitivity.

Helps keep diabetes in check

Being a great source of dietary fibers, Kasuri methi is highly effective in regulating blood sugar levels. The rich dietary fiber content of Kasuri methi enhances the functioning of insulin and carbs tolerance in the body. Regular consumption of Kasuri methi helps people with diabetes to manage the condition well.

Helps keep blood lipids normal

Kasuri methi is quite effective in maintaining blood lipids at normal levels. With this, it helps reduce cholesterol levels in diabetic people and also keeps heart-related ailments at bay in non-diabetic people.

Reduces menstrual pain

Kasuri methi is quite helpful in relieving menstrual pain. Women consume it in crushed powder form to ease the period's pain. However, you need to keep in mind that it is a home remedy and if you are not sure about the efficacy of it, you can take the advice of your doctor or health expert.

Now that you have understood the amazing health benefits of Kasuri methi, you can start including it in your diet to get these benefits. You can easily buy Kasuri methi online or from a local grocery store but make sure the brand you choose is trusted.





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